Complete Dentures


What is a denture?

A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth. 

Complete dentures replace all the teeth, while partial dentures fill the spaces made by missing teeth, restoring function and preventing other teeth from changing position.

At Denture Visage Nathaniel will endeavour to build an ideal denture for each of his patients.

An ideal denture is both aesthetically pleasing, and fully functional.

An ideal denture can also help to address common health associated issues; 

  • Poor ability to chew (mastication)

  • Poor digestion and dietary problems

  • Oral tissue sensitivities and sore spots

  • Joint pain in your jaw and surrounding areas (Temporomandibular Disorder, TMD)

  • Air way problems

  • Self-image related issues


A complete denture is a removable appliance replacing all of the natural teeth and the associated tissues and is supported by the gums. As the name implies, a full denture can replace either an upper or lower arch or both arches.

A complete denture comprises of an acrylic base and acrylic or composite denture teeth. For patients with a history of breaking full dentures a metal palate or plate can be inserted into the denture for extra strength. Full dentures can also be retained by implants for better stability and function.

Nathaniel can recommend the option that best meets your particular needs. 

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Making of a denture:

Denture Visage only uses TGA approved quality materials.

Denture Visage uses some of the best materials available in Australia to maximise the potential for producing a high quality denture.

Teeth for denture's made by Denture Visage are sourced from a German company VITA.

Denture Visage would much rather you had a smile that not only looked natural but lasted for the recommended life span of a denture.

The dentures are held together with an Ultra High Impact acrylic produced in America by Dentsply.


Nathaniel produces the dentures on simulators called articulators, which allows him to simulate how your jaw will function, so he can fine-tune how your teeth align.

He uses a German facebow and articulator produced by Amann Girrbach.

Denture Visage ensures that each denture is processed per the manufacturers' specifications, to ensure the acrylic is fully polymerised to prevent as much free monomers as possible.

It is rare, but some patients may experience a slight reaction to free monomers in dentures. To minimise the chance of this happening to you, Nathaniel will endeavour to process every denture properly, as per the manufacturers' specifications.

Immediate Dentures

You’ve been advised that you need an immediate denture. But what is it and how is it done? This information will help to explain the concepts and answer questions you might have regarding this type of denture. Your dental prosthetist, Nathaniel, can guide you as to when the situation warrants immediate dentures.
To avoid the situation of being without teeth, your dental prosthetist will implement the immediate denture technique. This involves taking impressions of your mouth while your natural teeth are still present. The dental prosthetist is then able to fabricate a denture in the likeness of your natural teeth, or make any necessary modifications you may wish.
When your natural teeth are extracted, your immediate denture is then inserted. In this technique, you have avoided having to go without any teeth while you go through the healing process. Since the dental prosthetist is unable to try-in the denture, certain aesthetic compromises may be necessary. This doesn’t present any significant problems, and the results are normally quite good.
It is important to follow the postoperative instructions of your dental prosthetist, dentist or oral surgeon very carefully. As healing occurs, the oral tissues recede so denture adjustments may be required. Follow-up appointments with your dental prosthetist are necessary. To maintain the best fit and comfort, a temporary liner or tissue conditioner may be placed in the denture.
During the next few months, bone and gum tissue will probably continue to shrink to some degree; however, the rate of change decreases with time. This is a natural occurrence, which is to be expected. After the healing process is complete, either a new denture will be made or your denture will be relined to ensure the most comfortable fit possible.
Nathaniel will recommend the option that best meets your particular needs.  Contact Denture Visage to see if an immediate denture is the right option for you.